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11th International GeoRaman Conference Sessions

Below is listed the preliminary session list for the 11th GeoRaman Conference. The final program will be determined by the GRISAC and USOC, based upon all the abstracts received.

A. The most advanced technologies and instrumentation in LRS,
  1. Portable Raman instrumentation for field application
  2. Synergistic application of LRS with other technologies
  3. Advanced LRS technology and instruments

B. The newest LRS applications in the fields of
  1. Mineral Physics and Geophysics
  2. Geological Fluids
  3. Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration
  4. Carbonaceous Material Science and Geothermometry
  5. Astrobiology and Paleobiology
  6. Biomineralization and Environmental Science
  7. Cultural Heritage and Archaeology
  8. General Mineralogy, Gemmology, and Petrology