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Fifth Notice: May 25, 2014

11th International GeoRaman Conference (June 15-19, 2014, St. Louis, MO, USA)

This notice mainly addresses your presentations and Field Trip at the 11th International GeoRaman Conference:

Oral presentations:

In order to maintain the GeoRaman XI schedule and to give equal opportunity to all speakers, each presentation in an oral session will be guaranteed for and limited to 15 minutes duration. At the beginning of each talk, a timer will be set for 12 mins, 14 mins, and 15 mins: ideally a 12-min talk and 3 minutes for questions. Each speaker will leave the podium after 15 minutes. Session chairs will strictly enforce this timing rule.

The punch-line-talk by each poster presenter will be guaranteed for and limited to 2 minutes duration (1- 2 slides). Session chairs will conduct the same tight and strict control on the timing.

At least two hours before the session starts, the presenters at all oral sessions (including poster punch- line-talks) should upload their presentation slides onto a PC laptop computer to be provided by GeoRaman XI. Mac users should pre-run their slides on a PC to ensure the quality of their presentation. Please contact Dr. Jie Wei ( if you want to e-mail your slides before-hand.

Poster presentations:

Each presented poster should be printed within the size of 100 cm (width) x 150 cm (height). GeoRaman XI will provide push-pins and poster boards on which to display your poster.

Poster boards will be set up before the lunch break of June 16 (Monday). Please attach your poster during lunch breaks (1.5 hour) on June 16 and 17. Please remove posters at the end of your session (6:30 pm).

GeoRaman XI Field trip (Wednesday, June 18, 2014):

There is a limit to the number of attendees who can take part in the field trip. All registered attendees up-to-now are guaranteed seats. Once the limit is reached, subsequent registrants will not pay the field trip cost (i.e., registration fee reduced). A field trip guide is included in the GeoRaman XI proceedings.

We will have two buses leaving at different times on June 18, 2014, at 8:00 am and 9:00 am. At the GeoRaman XI registration-check-in desk (June 15-17), Conference Assistants will ask you a few questions about the field trip options and will issue you a colored ticket that assigns you to a specific bus (and departure time). About 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time, please arrive at the designated gathering spot in front of Umrath lounge, pick up your boxed lunch, and board the bus. You may want to bring your field trip guide, which is part of the GeoRaman XI proceedings book.