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Sixth Notice: June 2, 2014

11th International GeoRaman Conference (June 15-19, 2014, St. Louis, MO, USA)

GeoRaman XI Publications ( We would like to announce that a special issue of the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy has been dedicated to the 11th International GeoRaman Conference (June 15-19, 2014, St. Louis, MO, USA). The deadline for submission of manuscripts is September 15th, 2014 The manuscripts will be published in a special issue in 2015. The issue ideally would consist of 20 to 30 papers.

All papers submitted for the special issue would be submitted to the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy Manuscript Central website, as the case for normal submissions, and all such papers would be reviewed in the usual fashion and handled by the guest editor.

Solicitation for manuscript submission encourages innovative methodology/instrumentation and/or high-novelty applications in the Geosciences.

Guest Editor: GeoRaman XI co-chairman, Professor Craig P. Marshall

Contact person at Journal of Raman Spectroscopy: Dr. Larry Nafie